I have a great client named Giffin and Crane General Contractors. Bruce Giffin and Geoff Crane are not only truly nice
guys, but they are the best in construction. What makes them a great client for
me is they ask me, to do “my thing” for them. Every few months I get a call to
photograph someone to use in a newsletter they send to clients.
I get to “construct” a photograph for them.
This is Eric Carlstedt. Giffin and Crane’s
newsletter says he helps keep the plates spinning. That’s a lot like the way I
make photographs. There are lots of details to keep track of and some things
you can just never expect will happen. Most of the time I like those unexpected
challenges. It comes from my days as an improvisational actor. When the
unexpected happened on stage it was considered a gift. Driving to were Eric was
working we passed this massive wall of rocks. It reminded me of the solid
construction Giffin and Crane is known for, and it looks like it has been
around for years. Just like the houses these guys build.
Eric was willing and trusting of my idea and added his sunglasses to give it that touch of humor I like to include in my
portraits whenever appropriate.
I create narrative driven portraits on
location. This time, Montecito, California.
To see
more of my work visit www.eliotcrowley.com
To see other random visual perceptions visit www.eliotcrowley.tumblr.com